Twists and Turns – 2020

twisted roads
Photo by John Lockwood on Unsplash

Twists and Turns – 2020 has been a year of change, pain, and sorrow. It has also been a year of new fresh innovations. 

Since the beginning of 2020 I have been confident that the year was going to be a year of change, of looking forward, of finding more and choosing to follow my passions. It turns out that 2020 had more in store than even I could imagine. 

New Year

scrabble resolutions
Photo by Breakingpic on

New Year’s gave me a chance to set aspirations for the year. Of course, being the person that I am I decided to set goals that I thought were realistic. had been going well and I thought I could aim for 500 followers on Twitter. My wife and I set our personal goals for the year and looked forward to making 2020 a happier, less stressful, and fun year ahead. 

At the time we had no idea that the year would take a massive turn left and run across the rockiest road we could have imagined. 

COVID 19 was just starting to be talked more about and was spreading like wildfire across China and into other countries, including Australia. 


I remember thinking that life was good, I had a beautiful healthy wife and a handsome, fun loving son who was heading into man hood. 

One of our goals for the year was to make sure our son felt supported and confident that he could talk to us about anything. He was starting a big journey and needed to know we had his back, no matter what.

As far as EV-HQ, I was starting to get more involved with the community on Twitter. Asking questions, posing ideas, and getting deep into a discussion about all things electric vehicles. 

To say I was and continue to be passionate about the advantages of electric vehicles is an understatement. They are the future and I want the world to be a better place for my son and his future family. If I can play a part in that then all the better. 

Let the rollercoaster begin

black and white roller coaster
Photo by Pixabay on

So, January was all about preparing for the year, back to school and work and hoping this year could be so much better than the last. 

We had been planning house renovations and they were well underway by the end of January and heading into February with one of our goals starting to take form. 

Over the next few months the renovations turned our house upside down and it was lots of fun watching the transformation. I was so very proud of my beautiful wife and her vision for what was ultimately the most amazing transformation. 

Of course, things don’t seem to happen one after the other they seem to have a cascade effect overlapping while remaining interesting. 


Pizza and Elon

So, one day I was sitting in the pizza shop waiting for the pizza to be ready and as usual I was skimming Twitter. 

Now I have posted a lot of content over the last 2 years since starting the twitter account including around 4000 tweets. Anyway, I had sent a tweet, once again asking Elon Musk why it was so expensive for an Australian Tesla’s while USA Tesla’s, when converted to AUD dollars, seem cheaper. There seemed to be discrepancies. 

Sitting in the pizza shop I started getting lots of Twitter replies and comments. Having never had this happen before I opened Twitter and found that Elon Musk had replied to my tweet, I was shocked, amazed, and excited. (Yes, I remembered to pick up the pizza as well as my jaw).

Steve Jobs 

Let me put this in context. I have been an Apple fan for many years and have been a massive fan of Steve jobs. He had his faults, but he was a visionary and helped to make the world transition to the digital age. To say I was a fan is well and truly understating it. He was a deep thinker with a view of the world that many would never understand and unfortunately never will.

This is like Steve Jobs responding to me. Elon responded!!!!!

Over the next couple of weeks, the Twitter verse and online publications wrote about the response from Elon and quoted my tweet. It opened my eyes to the fact that I can be a voice for change and help the discussion of electrification.

After this I reached one of my goals a lot faster than I thought I ever would. I hit 500 followers in the April. To say I am humbled by the fact that people want to listen and read my blogs and commentary is nothing short of amazing. I thank everyone who has followed me. 


Twists and Turns – 2020, At the beginning of the year I decided I would do something that even now I thought was craziness. I am not a professional writer or have written lots of readable things over the years but here I am. 

EV-HQ had become part of what I did last year. This year I wanted to grow it more, so I gave myself the task of writing a blog a week for the whole of 2020. 

Every week this year since the end of January I have met that promise to myself. Due to this I feel I have helped to bring the discussion of electric vehicles forward slowly within the community in some small way. 

I am very proud of the work I have done this year to achieve this goal and hope that it becomes valuable to those that may find it in time. 

My Wife

My wife has for years battled a hidden darkness (mental illness) that raises its head from time to time and once again those demons decided that they wanted to play. We spent days just being together and sitting on the couch because that is all she is able to do. 

It is hard to see someone you love, lose themselves for a time. Riding the rollercoaster of torment and despair. The only thing you can do is hope, support, and know that one of the tomorrows will bring back that light in her eyes. So my son and I make sure she feels loved, hugged, and safe. 

This time it was a short stint and we saw the signs early, so she is much better now. 

EV community

EV-HQ had taken a lot of work this year and I can tell you that the community has some amazing people to help guide and offer insights and advice about ways to meet the expectations, challenges and fun. 

There are so many, but some honorable mentions include, 

Naush (Tesla in the Gong)

Nash from Tesla in the Gong has offered advice and guidance regarding challenges and questions I had at times of uncertainty. He is a wonderful metor and advocate for the EV community.

Tom (Teslatom)

Tom from Tesla Tom who has been a great source of insights and consistency regarding anything Tesla and Beyond. He too is a wonderful advocate for the Tesla community.

Jason (Techau)

I would also like to thank Jason from Techau who also has been a great source of advice, and insights and information. He has kept me honest when I had source issues and I appreciate the advice. 

There are so many more that I can mention but please know that you have all been amazing with your questions, inputs and information sharing throughout the community. Let’s make 2021 a year that the EV community won’t forget. 


As June rolled on by, and the year started to drift away, COVID had been going crazy and the world was scrambling to figure out how to stop it in its tracks. July, August and September became a blur.  My wife and I decided we needed to eat better and lose some weight so we decided to go on a diet and relearn healthy eating habits.

It was around this time that I started feeling odd. 

As we rolled into the back of September, I had seen a number of doctors and noticed some strangeness with some of my blood tests. I was referred to a specialist. 

Thanks to the diet my wife and I lost 14 kgs and felt really good. But I still was feeling odd. 


In October I once again was blessed to be responded to by Elon Musk regarding FSD and Phantom braking. I wrote a blog about this and it continues to be a well-read article. Amazing. I obviously hit a nerve. Anyway, it is great to see that I continued to have an impact that helps the EV uptake to occur.

So, I am 45 and back to the weight I was when I married my beautiful wife. I want to be a role model to my son and a great husband to my wife so that we could continue to have a happy healthy life moving forward. 


As October came to a close it seemed to be a month of investigations. FSD from Tesla was just about to be released in beta form and my response from Elon had re-inspired me to keep writing weekly blogs. (I Struggled around October with this) 

My work was busy and I was now starting to have symptoms that were more than odd they were hindering my ability to do certain things. 

I kept writing my blogs, loving my wife and son and helping to keep our family happy healthy and safe. This included catching up with friends that I have not seen for a while. 


Andrew the Optometrist

We caught up with friends and had a great time chatting. During the conversation we talked about cars and EV’s especially. I showed my hand and imparted lots of knowledge about the benefits and challenges of owning an electric vehicle, and ultimately hoped that I could balance the discussion and give a different point of view. 

At no time did I think that my friend would purchase an electric vehicle. Yet a month later he called saying he had just purchased a Tesla. Andrew the Optometrist was introduced to the blogs. 

It is truly amazing to me that a single conversation had such an amazing impact. Butterfly effect, I guess. 

I have watched, listened and offered advice to Andrew the Optometrist about his car and have seen with joy his excitement for his upcoming delivery. 

If you had asked me 20 years ago what would bring a smile to my face when I was 45, I would never had said helping a friend make a difference to the world, his family and his fun factor. 

Life challenges

Twists and Turns – 2020. Not long after this, my world tipped on its head. I went and saw a specialist, had more blood tests and an MRI. That odd feeling, the reason I had been seeing the specialist and my GP alike, the fact that I could not walk outside in 30-degree (Celcius) heat without wearing jeans and a jumper was finally identified. 

I have a Pituitary Tumour. 

At the time I was stressed, tired, frustrated, annoyed and just downright spent. It is a strange reality being told news like this. I am a Nurse and have cared for people for over 20 years. I have helped people understand the reality of what they are being told about a loved one and/or themselves. Over my years I have helped to heal people who are unwell whilst showing people, empathy, compassion and dignity. 

I worked in Emergency Departments for 12 years and during this time I was very good at being able to compartmentalize the emotions I had towards upsetting situations as I needed to do my job. 

But, in this I was confronted at being on the other side and trying to understand how I felt. 

Any Nurse will tell you that Nurses don’t do being the patient very well.

Luckily if you were to get a pituitary tumour this is best of the worst-case scenarios. 

The plan on how to manage it is medication first to help reduce the size, monitor for six months with blood test and scans and if all goes well just keep track of it. This is the hopeful path, I hope I don’t have to face the alternatives.

So now I have to deal with the issues related to taking medication long term for the first time in my life. I have always been well and never had any issues so this was a blast of lightning out of nowhere. 

The medication has helped my symptoms and I am slowly starting to feel like I did many years ago. I hope it is also helping to reduce the tumour size. Time will tell. 

End of the year 

So here we are, almost Christmas time and near the beginning of a New Year. As the tumultuousness of 2020 closes. We hope for 2021. 

I believe it will be a year of great need for the world, both physically and emotionally. I know I have an amazing wife and son and extended family and friends who share my love for the world around us and the hope that things will get better. 

EV-HQ will still continue into 2021 and I have plans to grow the site, the blogs and maybe some other surprises as the year goes on. 

So, thanks for reading and being the greatest followers and community around. I look forward to keeping this going into the new year. 

Merry Christmas and a Happy new year. 


DAVE’S Blog posts


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Phantom braking can it be solved?

tesla model x brake light
Photo by Szymon Kita on Unsplash

Phantom Braking can it be solved? It seems that in recent years the introduction of the intelligent vehicle has been seen as a victory for the motor vehicle industry.


The introduction provides increased safety and awareness for and around the vehicle. Using sensors, cameras and in some cases Radar or LIDAR to map the world around it the car is able to perform with greater accuracy and capability. 

The introduction of sensors to vehicles has been reserved for the higher end of the market, up till now. Due to the prices of these components coming down and technology advancing at an exponential rate the sensors are starting to be more present in less expensive models.  


Tesla autopilot

self driving

Tesla introduced its first iteration of “Autopilot” several years ago. Since its inception and introduction to the family of Tesla vehicles, Autopilot has been applauded for its ability to manage highway driving with little intervention. Many have reported their fondness of the capability and how it makes long road trips more enjoyable. 

As a result of the new capabilities, Tesla has been proud to show that its vehicles with the use of Autopilot have increased the distance collectively between accidents.  This fact highlights the increased safety aspects which have been introduced. 

However, since the introduction of the self-driving capabilities the issue of Phantom Braking has in parallel been increasing. 

Phantom Braking

bridge underpass
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Phantom braking occurs when a vehicle being managed by Artificial Intelligence, or autopilot in Tesla’s case, suddenly and abruptly decelerates. This sudden loss in acceleration is unexplained and inconsistent in most cases. 

As you probably have determined this puts the driver and passengers in danger including the vehicles around it. The vehicles travelling behind suddenly have to contend with an unexpected slowing of the vehicle in front. These usually occur when the vehicle is travelling at speed. This increases the chances of accidents and injury. 

Online there are numerous on social media that state the cause of accidents seems to be attributed to the phantom braking phenomenon.  

In the case of Tesla, and if Phantom braking can it be solved, it would seem this is an active problem they are attempting to solve. This week there has been a discussion on twitter regarding this very thing. Elon tweeted regarding the introduction of the new build Full Self Driving (FSD). He was responding to a tweet discussing the WAYMO approach. He mentioned that it would be beta released in a number of weeks. 


As part of responses, I asked Elon Musk “Is the issue of phantom braking fixed in this release? Has been a number of people talking about this recently.”

Elon was kind enough to respond to me on twitter at by stating “It should be” he then followed up with some clarification

It is encouraging to see that Tesla is actively working to resolve issues like Phantom braking. What’s important is they are not just waiting for big releases like FSD. It makes sense considering not every driver has FSD as it is an opt-in function.

 It would also seem that Elon understands the issues of his company and is actively working to resolve them. His engagement with twitter followers shows he is kind enough to respond to people asking about the latest information.  

This twitter response gained momentum over the next couple of days which just highlights the importance this issue has for people.

Software updates

Phantom braking can it be solved? It would seem that the release of the upcoming software updates that drop regularly has bug fixes to address the phantom braking. The latest release may have some of those fixes but there are still reports that it is occurring. 

Let’s hope that phantom braking will become a thing of the past. Let’s hope that the use of “First Principles” can assist to find a solution to the immediate and long-term problem. 

Safety has always been at the heart of the Tesla Vehicles. Elon Musk has been very clear on this point. It is up to the manufacturers to make sure that the occupants of their vehicles remain safe and sound for their journey. 

It is refreshing to see that Tesla is working to find solutions. Tesla is actively trying to find solutions to issues that have been created by the introduction of information technology devices. 

The best advice you can hear if you love your tesla but feel unsure about the use of the autopilot system is to drive the car yourself. enjoy the experience without the use of autopilot or FSD. The cars are incredible to experience and fun to drive. 


DAVE’S Blog posts


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Are Australian Tesla’s about to get cheaper?

white tesla

Are Australian Tesla’s about to get cheaper? An encouraging report is suggesting that Australian deliveries for Model 3 and Model Y from Tesla, may be delivered from Giga Shanghai towards the end of 2020 beginning of 2021. 

It has been a major point of contention, that the prices in Australia are too high for the average person. 

The idea of Tesla’s being manufactured and delivered from Giga-shanghai is not a new idea but one that many have requested for a while, my self included.

Australian Prices

If the Model 3 and Y are to be sold as a family car, or as the car for the masses, then the price needs to be more affordable, around the $30,000 – $40,000 dollars mark.

This price would give price parity with the average ICE vehicle and allow for natural competition. Currently in Australia costs of Tesla’s are almost double these amounts.

Now of course, part of these cost are taxes both Luxury Car Tax (LCT) and Import tax and every other person who is involved with the delivery tax. 

breakdown of a tesla


GIGA Shanghai
Featured Image Credit: WuWa Vision/YouTube

There is a possible change for the delivery of Tesla’s from Giga-Shanghai to the Southern hemisphere, inclusive of Australia, this was reported by Bloomberg and shared by Sawyer Merritt on twitter.

This change in location of manufacturing and delivery increases the chance of a possible price change. That would make the Model 3 and hopefully Model Y see price drops and become more affordable and achievable by the average person in Australia. This would continue to help to support the Tesla Mission. 

The news that it may actually be occurring is exciting for Australians looking to make their next purchase an electric car. 

The Electric Vehicle Council released a report in August 2019 called the State of Electric Vehicles. This report highlights some of the details relating to the possibility that 53% of people either already own or are thinking about purchasing an electric car as their next vehicle.

Model Y ordering

Model Y not an order page
Courtesy of

In Australia the Model Y is yet to be able to be ordered. This is not in line with the Model 3, which was available to be reserved from almost day one of the announcement. 

This delay with ordering could be aligned with the decision to ship cars from Giga Shanghai. Giga Shanghai has a number of buildings being constructed currently which have been rumored to be for the Model Y.

These would need to be completed for deliveries of model Y to Australia to occur.

Based on reports the building are close to being finalised which would in turn align with the timeline suggested for Giga Shanghai deliveries to Australia. 

Prices in Australia

Are Australian Tesla’s about to get cheaper? EV-HQ in February of this year commented on the prices of Tesla’s in Australia on Twitter and Elon Musk responded with this tweet.

This response was an indication that he also believed that prices for Tesla’s are too high, which he reinforced at the recent shareholders meeting held in July 2020, Tesla, Inc. Q2 2020 Financial Results and Q&A Webcast.

Tesla’s mission of transitioning the world to sustainable energy and transport must at its core be able to be flexible in the execution. The possible change to delivering and manufacturing vehicles for the Southern hemisphere and right-hand drive (RHD) countries is another step towards this achievement. 

Opportunities for Fremont

Fremont factory
Image courtesy of

The knock-on effect of a change like this opens the way for reduced reliance on delivering all models of the Tesla fleet globally from Fremont and disperses the deliveries across the network of factories. Thus, building redundancy and stability in manufacturing and deliveries.

It also allows Fremont to start planning for the manufacturing of the Roadster which Elon has mentioned would come out of Fremont factory. 

Are Australian Tesla’s about to get cheaper? It is encouraging to see that possible changes may be coming to the way Tesla is progressing their vision and the positive impact it can have on the average person is a win for the individual, and also for the world as we try to fix the issues that we have caused over the last century. 



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Australian Tesla Prices

Image courtesy of Tesla

Australian Tesla Prices, 12 days have passed since I received a response to a simple twitter request to Elon Musk. It is incredible that a CEO of a global company is willing to respond to average people like myself. I am a passionate Tesla fan who is driven to see the mission of Tesla realized. 

To accelerate the worlds transition to sustainable energy. 

The only way I am able to currently assist with this is to spread the stories and information about Electric Vehicles to the greater community across Australia and the Globe. 12 Days ago, Elon gave me assistance to achieve this very goal.

I also wish to be able to transition my own house and family to utilizing Sustainable energy and vehicles. As I explained in my tweet to Elon the cost of Tesla’s in Australia is not within the reach of the average Australian. With a starting point of the base model 3 with no Full Self Driving is $71512. (Australian Dollars) This is a hefty sum for anyone to swallow. 

In comparison, in the United States the price of the same car is $39990 (US Dollars). When this is converted using the conversion rate of $1.51 us dollars to the Australian dollar the conversion cost equates to $60385(Australian Dollars). 

Australian Tesla Prices

Comparison between USD and AUD for Model 3 Tesla

So, the question needs to be asked what is the difference of $11127 used for?

According to the Australian Bureau of statistics ( ) the average wage in Australia (based upon Average Weekly ordinary time earnings (AWOTE) in June of 2019 of $1634.90 multiplied by 52 weeks of the year equals $85014.80(AUD), before tax. If the taxation rate is approx. 32.5 cents in the dollar for every dollar above $37000. Once this calculation has been completed the approximate amount that one individual will earn is $70000. This sounds like a large number however there is still the home loan/rent, Utilities, Living expenses, Car expenses, schooling for kids, etc. These numbers outline the fact that purchasing a car is not only a big decision, but one primarily driven by the cost.

Australian living expenses have been on the increase in the last 10 years due to a number of reasons least of all that environmental factors are playing their part with long droughts, 100-year storms, flooding and bushfires that are devastating areas of produce and farming.

This impact is felt in the hip pocket of every Australian across the country and that only increases the cost of living expenses and consumes the savings which historically have been put towards the wants rather than the needs. 

If Tesla, and by extension Elon Musk, truly wish to gain traction in Australia there is a real need to drop the price so that the Average Australian family can afford the Model 3. The Model 3 is well suited to the Australian Market. Especially city dwellers. The Cybertruck would be well placed for those who live in the country.

If Elon and Tesla could find a way to reduce the cost of either building or transporting and investigate the $11127 disparity between the US and Australian numbers, I believe the uptake of the Model 3 in Australia would advance greatly. Furthermore, I also believe that the mission that Tesla has prided itself upon would also be realized that much quicker. 

Whilst investigating the above points I also reviewed the comments from the Tweet. I came across a number of people comments who also expressed their challenges with the cost within their countries, these included 

All of these people highlighted their challenges with cost of Tesla’s, however in a number of cases they also voiced that they would buy a Tesla as their next car if they could afford the price.

Australian Tesla Prices.

These are customers in waiting.

Waiting for a price that they can afford and manage on their wages. Their passion for the cars is not wavering but the cost is a real factor. 

I also had a number of people talk about their experience when buying a Tesla at the current prices and outlined that a number of Taxes here in Australia were also considerably high and unnecessary like the “Luxury Car Tax”, which was introduced to assist local car manufacturing. Unfortunately, in recent years all car manufacturing by all big companies has ceased in Australia. This was due in part to a greater acceptance of foreign manufacturers and the improved quality and variety of vehicles on offer. Now that we have no manufacturers and all vehicles are imported this tax serves no purpose. 

So, where to from here so more people can gain access to some amazing environmentally friendly cars and the suite of other products that Tesla has on offer. 

Some ideas include:

  • Tesla 
    • Find cost saving s to reduce Model 3 Price
    • Investigate the price differences highlighted above
    • Leasing (suggested by @TeslaGong)
    • Supplying Australia with Giga Shanghai Tesla’s 
    • Compartmentalize features of Tesla’s that can be purchased at a later date
    • Build an Australian Giga Factory #GigaOz
  • Government 
    • Incentives (Green rebate)
    • Remove the Luxury car tax from all Electric Vehicles
    • Reduce stamp duty, registration, etc. 

 These changes would have a profound effect on the footprint of Electric vehicles in Australia and also assist people to truly transition to a sustainable energy future. 


Rating: 1 out of 5.

Appendix ( Comparison between USD and AUD)

Offers of sponsorship and collaboration are welcome.

please contact Dave at, on twitter @evhq2 or on the contact page of

Australian GigaFactory #GigaOz

Could this be possible.

Could Australia have a Gigafactory to call their own. Let’s not rule it out. In my tweet on the 10th February to Elon of which he responded the talk after this extended itself to a possibility that a Gigafactory in Australia would be possible. 

Now of course Elon has not confirmed or denied any possibility of this happening, but I am one who believes there is merit in the idea. 

Australia has proven in the last couple of years that it is capable of utilizing Tesla technology to produce some amazing results especially in the area of power generation and storage. The Adelaide battery that was supplied by tesla has proven to be a great success. It has supplanted the power generation I Adelaide for the last couple of years with such great effect that they have now installed a second such system to continue the great work. 

Currently in Australia there are no vehicle Manufacturers, and with that car prices are at the mercy of the import taxes and fees. This adds a large amount to the value of the car and the hip pocket of the person. 

The introduction of a Giga Factory could be one such way to grow Tesla’s footprint with vehicle manufacturing but also tesla power products. 

Tesla current Super chargers footprint

Australia has had a prolific uptake of solar energy products and have recently started to gain interest in the power storage market for home batteries. 

If Tesla was able to build a Gigafactory in Australia they could not only focus on Car production but also on solar, batteries, etc. This would allow Tesla to utilize Australia as a home base for production of Right-hand drive vehicles as they are within close proximity to the countries that are Right hand drive. 

Australians want for solar products make it a market ripe for the picking with the Tesla batteries and Solar products among the best and most competitive in the world. 

This in combination to close proximity to vital minerals and ores in Australia that are part of the battery cell production would make Australia well suited to address a number of requirements for tesla to truly consider Australia as a viable option. 

As has been the past experiences with Tesla they have worked with government and business alike and all experiences from the lay persons perspective has been positive and uplifting. 

It is time Australia stopped dragging its feet and started to lead like it had done for the last 100 years in many fields. We have come complacent and lost our get up and go spirit. Tesla and Elon Musk would help to bring new life into a struggling industry, they would be able to employ large numbers of people and we as Australians can finally show the rest of the world that we haven’t given up on the environment, that we haven’t given up on growing our industry and we haven’t given up on the people who desperately need a chance to prove themselves worthy of working for an amazing company with a philosophy greater than itself. 

Elon help Australia feel proud of itself again and bring GigaOz to be a reality. 


Written by David McCann 22/02/2020

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Offers of sponsorship and collaboration are welcome.

please contact Dave at, on twitter @evhq2 or on the contact page of

Australian Tesla Prices

Image courtesy of Tesla

Australian Tesla Prices, 12 days have passed since I received a response to a simple twitter request to Elon Musk. It is incredible that a CEO of a global company is willing to respond to average people like myself. I am a passionate Tesla fan who is driven to see the mission of Tesla realized. 

To accelerate the worlds transition to sustainable energy. 

The only way I am able to currently assist with this is to spread the stories and information about Electric Vehicles to the greater community across Australia and the Globe. 12 Days ago, Elon gave me assistance to achieve this very goal.

I also wish to be able to transition my own house and family to utilizing Sustainable energy and vehicles. As I explained in my tweet to Elon the cost of Tesla’s in Australia is not within the reach of the average Australian. With a starting point of the base model 3 with no Full Self Driving is $71512. (Australian Dollars) This is a hefty sum for anyone to swallow. 

In comparison, in the United States the price of the same car is $39990 (US Dollars). When this is converted using the conversion rate of $1.51 us dollars to the Australian dollar the conversion cost equates to $60385(Australian Dollars). 

Australian Tesla Prices

Comparison between USD and AUD for Model 3 Tesla

So, the question needs to be asked what is the difference of $11127 used for?

According to the Australian Bureau of statistics ( ) the average wage in Australia (based upon Average Weekly ordinary time earnings (AWOTE) in June of 2019 of $1634.90 multiplied by 52 weeks of the year equals $85014.80(AUD), before tax. If the taxation rate is approx. 32.5 cents in the dollar for every dollar above $37000. Once this calculation has been completed the approximate amount that one individual will earn is $70000. This sounds like a large number however there is still the home loan/rent, Utilities, Living expenses, Car expenses, schooling for kids, etc. These numbers outline the fact that purchasing a car is not only a big decision, but one primarily driven by the cost.

Australian living expenses have been on the increase in the last 10 years due to a number of reasons least of all that environmental factors are playing their part with long droughts, 100-year storms, flooding and bushfires that are devastating areas of produce and farming.

This impact is felt in the hip pocket of every Australian across the country and that only increases the cost of living expenses and consumes the savings which historically have been put towards the wants rather than the needs. 

If Tesla, and by extension Elon Musk, truly wish to gain traction in Australia there is a real need to drop the price so that the Average Australian family can afford the Model 3. The Model 3 is well suited to the Australian Market. Especially city dwellers. The Cybertruck would be well placed for those who live in the country.

If Elon and Tesla could find a way to reduce the cost of either building or transporting and investigate the $11127 disparity between the US and Australian numbers, I believe the uptake of the Model 3 in Australia would advance greatly. Furthermore, I also believe that the mission that Tesla has prided itself upon would also be realized that much quicker. 

Whilst investigating the above points I also reviewed the comments from the Tweet. I came across a number of people comments who also expressed their challenges with the cost within their countries, these included 

All of these people highlighted their challenges with cost of Tesla’s, however in a number of cases they also voiced that they would buy a Tesla as their next car if they could afford the price.

Australian Tesla Prices.

These are customers in waiting.

Waiting for a price that they can afford and manage on their wages. Their passion for the cars is not wavering but the cost is a real factor. 

I also had a number of people talk about their experience when buying a Tesla at the current prices and outlined that a number of Taxes here in Australia were also considerably high and unnecessary like the “Luxury Car Tax”, which was introduced to assist local car manufacturing. Unfortunately, in recent years all car manufacturing by all big companies has ceased in Australia. This was due in part to a greater acceptance of foreign manufacturers and the improved quality and variety of vehicles on offer. Now that we have no manufacturers and all vehicles are imported this tax serves no purpose. 

So, where to from here so more people can gain access to some amazing environmentally friendly cars and the suite of other products that Tesla has on offer. 

Some ideas include:

  • Tesla
    • Find cost saving s to reduce Model 3 Price
    • Investigate the price differences highlighted above
    • Leasing (suggested by @TeslaGong)
    • Supplying Australia with Giga Shanghai Tesla’s 
    • Compartmentalize features of Tesla’s that can be purchased at a later date
    • Build an Australian Giga Factory #GigaOz
  • Government
    • Incentives (Green rebate)
    • Remove the Luxury car tax from all Electric Vehicles
    • Reduce stamp duty, registration, etc. 

 These changes would have a profound effect on the footprint of Electric vehicles in Australia and also assist people to truly transition to a sustainable energy future. 


Rating: 1 out of 5.

Appendix ( Comparison between USD and AUD)

The butterfly effect ……11:11

What a week. 

I posted a tweet that Elon musk responded to and I finally realized why Tesla is important to the global community.

Tesla is a global company that has provided some of the most innovative products for many years within the tech and motor vehicle spheres. Tesla’s ability to continue to move forward against adversity, tough times and financial strain has been a phenomenon. This momentum that Tesla has, is something that can only be measured by the global audience that is trying to go with them as they evolve the motor car industry to see a future that is more environmentally responsible.

On Tuesday I sent a tweet into the twitter verse asking why does the cost of the Model 3 seem to be so much more in Australia than in the USA and maybe a solution to bring down the price was to build a Giga factory in Australia. This suggestion was to highlight the cost of the cars in Australia, but also to show that Australia has no major car manufacturer in Australia, and they could be the first major Electric vehicle producer in Australia. This would allow for greater price competition and uptake of electric vehicles. 

I had no delusions that it would be another tweet that got a few comments and likes but nothing more. Boy, was I wrong! Thanks’ to Elon replying the world engaged and showed that they also wish for greater ability to purchase a Tesla. 

So why did the world engage, could it be that I hit upon an idea that resonates with the average joe?
Could it be that the mere suggestion that it does seem high from Elon Musk gives hope to those that have felt helpless to be able to buy their dream car and that dream could be a little closer?

It turns out it is all of these things and so much more. I have written before about the Cybertruck and how it hits the mark for those people who have dreamt of that cool car they have always wanted to own from their childhood movies or shows and the cybertruck delivered. In this sense so do all Tesla’s. 

The passion that is held within the Tesla fandom and the love they have for Elon only makes them want to own the cars more. 

Sure, they are fantastically specked out cars and they scratch the futuristic itch but for most people the prospect of owning this car anywhere outside the USA becomes a pipe dream.  The price becomes untenable.

I scratched at the one place that most people talk about all the time. The chance of the price being lower, so they have a better chance of owning their dream car. 

Elon is well engaged with the tesla community and as such a simple comment like the one he gave to me ignites a flame that can burn near and far and give hope to those many voices. 

Within the voices Elon knows there are good ideas, great sounding boards and the ability to flesh out ideas. This makes the twitter verse extremely proud of what they can achieve when putting their minds together. Since the tweet went wild there have been a number of ideas that have come to the foreground. 

  • Giga Oz – have a Gigafactory in Australia – @EVHQ2
  • Leasing Tesla’s -@Teslagong
  • Giga factory that produces solar panels and batteries and as a side gig, cars. 
  • Get the government to consider removing luxury car tax
  • Send cars from china 

These are just some of the great suggestions that came from the twitter verse in response to reducing cost and making Tesla’s more affordable in Australia. 

I hope that Elon can see that costs of Tesla’s once they leave the shores of the USA increases, and the cost for those, regardless of exchange rates or local taxes. Hopefully Elon can look at it from a business problem perspective and utilize some of the suggestions or dream up another idea that just might alleviate the pressure for average people to achieve one goal in their lives. To drive their dream Tesla Vehicle.

I hope that I have a chance to continue to talk with Elon about many and varied things to do with Tesla and beyond. But for now, I am glad I have had a chance to voice my concerns and feel that I have been heard. 

Lets’ hope that Australia’s government will see that people want the change , that it’s time for the change to occur and that our children’s lives depend upon us taking a stand and vocalizing our ideas and passions by being one voice to shine through the smog filled sky’s to the blue light and sunshine beyond. 

Photo by Marcus Wöckel on

Thanks to everyone that liked, shared and commented on my tweet, I appreciate your input and commentary.

Finally thank you Elon Musk, you have shown the world many times over you are genuine and passionate and that is what makes you a truly great human being. 


Written by David McCann 13/2/2020

Rating: 1 out of 5.