2050 – Its about time!!!

Palm in hands
Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

Agreement 2050 for zero emissions. 

2050 – Its about time!!! Last week the Australian Nationals Party as part of the Coalition Government that currently governs Australia, agreed to the target of Zero Emission by 2050. This is an in-principal agreement but a step forward for Australia.

It is a hollow victory since a number of the states had already set much stronger targets. This is Just the Federal Govenerment playing catchup.

This agreement by the Nationals was formalized with the announcement by the Prime minister to meet zero emissions by 2050 for Australia. This announcement finally brings Australia into alignment with the rest of the developed worlds targets. 

What does this, actually mean.

It means focus, direction, planning.

Allows businesses and renewables companies, electric vehicles companies and many more to be able to plan for a brighter future. 

Including finding opportunities to replace the aging infrastructure and vehicles on the roads. 

It also allows the public to reap the rewards of a country that has a direction to a brighter future. 

Small Victories

I don’t credit this decision to the politicians, I grant it to the people who have worked tirelessly over the years to champion the move towards renewables. 

The scientists that have been advising, discussing, and yelling that this type of change should have happened decades ago. 

The people who have started businesses up against a difficult environment and challenged by the lack of support. 

Environmentalists who have for years shown through all social media, documentaries, and written articles the impact we as humans have had on the world around us. 

solar on green
Photo by Red Zeppelin on Unsplash

This change in policy when implemented will be a game changer for Australia who has a lot of catching up to do compared to the rest of the world. 

Will there be change and challenge? YES. 

Will it be easy, NO

But is it necessary?

If recent weather events, Bushfires and disasters globally are anything to go by then yes, it is long overdue. 

2050 – Its about time!!!


Actions speak louder than words

Of course, announcing the agreement to meet this target is one thing but for Australia and by extension the rest of the world to meet these targets action on a scale not seen for decades will need to occur. 

The adage “Action speaks louder than words” should be the motto that we all live by when it comes to environmental change to improve the world around us. 

We need to leave this place better than we found it. Not burnt, drowned, ravaged, and destroyed. Not a legacy that I wish to hand over to our children to clean up.

This must be the start not the end of our steps to turn things around. 

2050 – Its about time!!! Change is hard, we can be stuck in the same patterns for years and not be able to move , but if we each do a small thing that makes something better, then cumulatively we can all move worlds. 

Australia is standing on a precipice not wanting to take the leap. We should not be scared, we should be encouraged that we have a road forward and lots of people who have great ideas, innovations and inspiration that will help us to transition, believe and become a powerhouse to the future. Australia “Its Time to Lead



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