Side Lines 04 – Gigafactory 3

Many months ago there was speculation that the next Gigafactory would be in China. Many discredited this information as hearsay and rumours. Fast forward less than a year later and the Gigafactory is built and preparing for ramp up of production units rolling off the lines.

What an achievement. It is truly amazing that a building of this size and complexity could be built in that time frame. The people of china and Tesla should be commended for their work ethic and passion for an amazing company and vision.

As with all things Tesla i started to think about the possibilities. I wondered once again about the Australian EV market and the possible benefits that might be available to us with the production beginning in Gigafactory 3. If we in australia where to import Tesla Vehicles from China rather than USA we might have a greater chance of lower prices.

China is a big market for Tesla and I appreciate the possible benefits the company will get with the sales numbers. However we in Australia find the vehicles very enticing but the “average joe” has very little chance of being able to afford it.

Gigafactory 3 is an achievement that could benefit more than the Chinese mainland and could allow for greater proliferation of Tesla’s across the pacific. Increasing uptake and reducing possible cost to those customers.


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