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Rivian – Adventure is a lifestyle

Rivian – Adventure is a lifestyle 

Rivian emerged in 2009 to fanfare regarding their introduction to the electric vehicle playground. Yet their mission was different from most other car manufactures. 

Rivian’s Mission

Rivian is on a mission to keep the world adventurous forever. We believe there is a more responsible way to explore the world and are determined to make the transition to sustainable transportation an exciting one. We designed our emissions-free Electric Adventure Vehicles to challenge what’s possible.

This mission talks about helping people enjoy the environment we live in and a wish to keep it pristine. Yet that was not always the vision for RJ Scaringe the CEO of Rivian. 

Back before Rivian was founded RJ Scaringe was just a young man with a dream to work in the automotive industry and help to increase efficiencies within current vehicles. At that time all vehicles were internal combustion engines. 

He spent his early years working on restoring Porsches in Florida where he grew his passion for vehicles of all types and fed the seed of his desire to be a figure in the automotive industry. 

Yet over the years and whilst he was studying at MIT with a focus on the auto industry he was met with an internal conflict. 

RJ was an outdoors person; he loved mountain bike riding and savoured the beauty and wonder of the natural environment.


Yet whilst he enjoyed exploring the wilderness on the back of a metal steed, he was frustrated by the fact that the vehicles he took to get to the wilderness were also polluting the air he so dearly loved.

During the following years, he came to realize that no matter what he did in any traditional car company he could not make a difference to change the status quo. 

It was this realization that led him to start his own car company called Avera Motors. With funding from several investors, he set out with 20 others to create what would ultimately become Rivian. 

Stealth Mode

Rivian – Adventure is a lifestyle. Rivian ran in stealth mode for over 10 years before revealing itself to the world. Stealth mode, for the uninitiated, is when a company runs under the radar without any badges or press releases and continues to grow and develop before opening itself up to the greater world. Rivian did just this and surprised the World auto market in 2009 when they revealed the R1-S and R1-T

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Early in Rivian’s development, they spent the first 5 years working to grow their team, building the business and organization whilst working on a sports car design.  

That’s right, Rivian had at that time focussed on a sports car it wasn’t until later that the adventure vehicle of the future really set the tone. 

RJ Scaringe’s dream of developing a vehicle that helps to get people to experience the outdoors and create memories was not in the sports car realm. So, they Pivoted. 

They pivoted and changed focus to the adventure lifestyle that is now a driving force behind the adventure vehicles R1S and the R1T. 


Rivian finally released their new Vehicle R1-T to the public with first deliveries. So how did they get here?

When RJ Scaringe decided to Pivot away from the sports car, he focussed on what he truly believed. His passion for the outdoors and his drive to preserve the beautiful wilderness, that he loved, helped to frame the question of where to pivot.

Making a vehicle that not only can get you to the place you want to be but to do so by inspiring adventure. Helping the individual to make new memories and the vehicle that helps you to stay active. 

Just as Tesla has a mission to transition the world to sustainable energy, Rivian wants to help people experience the outdoors, be more active and adventurous. They also don’t want to impact the climate or the natural world around us whilst doing it. They just want to encourage the adventurous spirit. 

The vehicles

Rivian – Adventure is a lifestyle. The introduction of the new Rivian R1T and R1S was not the first 4×4 electric Truck to be introduced to the marketplace but they are one of the most appealing choices.  

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These vehicles whilst feeling familiar have nothing but new respect and take on the industry. RJ Scaringe famously mentioned that to reinvent the vehicle for the future you need system-level thinking and a clean sheet of paper. 

They decided to ask the fundamental questions of why it is important to have a vehicle for adventure. The answer they delivered is that of the R1S. This off-road adventure vehicle had some surprising features.

 The introduction of the skateboard design battery pack with a rugged protection system and features like the “Tank Turn”, the gear tunnel, and adaptable list of camping accessories makes the Rivian R1S a more than a capable vehicle for the outdoors.

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At first glance, the Rivian looks familiar like current trucks/SUV on the road which will make it extremely appealing to the average person who is looking to Buy. 

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Charging infrastructure. 

Up until recently the assumption by most is that Rivian would utilize the Charge America chargers to power their dream of the future. 

However, the chargers that are required for outdoor adventures are not located in the exact locations. So Rivian has developed their own. These chargers are to be in numerous locations across the United States as a starting point and are in wilderness areas.  

The Rivian Adventure Network will be the connection you need when seeking adventure. 

Rivian has also developed home chargers and portable charging cables as well. 

My introduction to the Rivian Brand

Rivian – Adventure is a lifestyle. I had heard of Rivian as they came out of stealth mode. It wasn’t until the “Long Way Up” documentary that they really captured my and many others’ interest. The vehicles that were used through the show were the first ever built. They were rough but practical and capable. They proved that electric vehicles could be used when off-road and going through rough terrain. 

Since this show was developed and aired Rivian has moved forward with leaps and bounds. Development of the vehicles along with the creation of the factory in Normal has given them the capability of creating their original dream after pivot of an adventure vehicle for the masses. 

A dream was realized for RJ Scaringe and the team at Rivian. 

Rivian is mostly focused on the American market currently, however they have deployed test vehicles to Australia and New Zealand currently. These vehicles are, by my best guess, to prove they can handle  Australian and New Zealand terrains and also have them reviewed and hopefully approved for sale in Australia in the years to come. 

I for one will be watching how Rivian proceeds and grow over the coming years. Their passion and mission again inspire the imagination of where the vehicles can go, but more importantly how they can help to improve the environment and maintain an adventurous spirit. 

For more information about Rivian check out


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